June 13, 2010

The Return of angrygirl!

I haven't written in quiet a while. I felt it was unnessary to write as I did not feel that I was angrygirl anymore. I was wrong...

Nothing satisfies the anger!

It may appear to disappear for a while, or abate, but it never goes away! Not while stupid people exist. Those who are selfish, and hateful. Nothing can make them go away, so why should the anger?

People that call me a friend, people I call friends, people I used to call friends. I feel that it has all boiled down to nothing. They are not my friends. Sure, they are nice people and they listen to me, but they are not friends. I really do not think there is such thing as a friend. Only dependency on others. Some can go without, others cannot. Some need lots of friends, others need none.

Heck, who needs a friend, when you can pay someone to listen! At least they don't want anything in return! Well, they want cash, but so does everyone else. I would rather pay someone physical currency then emotional currency. It is cheaper and easier in the long run.*

Anyways, I am tired. And I don't care for this subject anymore. And angry. But you already knew that!


* Please note: that this does not apply for sex. I do NOT pay for sex, or believe that anyone should. I am only talking about friendship, or lack thereof here!

March 26, 2009

Blah is angrygirl!

So bored! So annoyed! So... blahhhhh!


March 3, 2009

The Tartar Sauce Incident

A few days ago, I was fixing myself some lunch. The evening before I made burgers, so I was having leftovers for lunch. Well, the previous night I realized that we were out of mayo. So, in an attempt to substitute something for mayo, I used tartar sauce. I know, not my swiftest moment, but I was desperate. Well, the night before someone put the tartar sauce in the fridge right side up (which is fine except it was almost empty). So, I had to shake the sauce to the top to get it out. And I was shaking it kinda forcefully. And repeatedly. And I guess the night before I didn't close the lid properly... so, the tartar sauce ended up going across the room, all over the floor, the walls, the window, under the table, on the chairs, and of course on top of the table.

Well, I had a huge laugh. And I attempted to clean it up (with a bum knee). It took several napkins, paper towels, and 2 1/2 Mr. Clean wipes. And I still don't think I got it all.

So, here's the lesson, don't substitute anything in the place of mayo. You thought I was going to say tighten and secure caps and lids. Nah! Way to easy.

Thanks for coming out!

February 22, 2009

Insomnia at 4 am

Man, I'm tired. Actually I guess I'm not if I'm awake huh? Well, whatever I am, I wish I was sleeping. My knee is bugging me SO much that I can't sleep. If I feel my knee crack one more time, I'm gonna hurl.

As I lie in bed, typing (which I am sure can't be ergonomically correct) I've got to thinking. And the thought is this... People will always have thoughts and opinions about you and what you do, but the only person's thoughts/opinions that matter are yours. Sure, people can think whatever they want about you, they may think you did a bad job, made a poor choice, or acted incorrectly. But as long as you don't think you did, that's all that matters.

People may say "I would have done things differently" and that's fine because then it would be "their" choice, and not yours. And if you agree with them, you give yourself the chance to correct the mistake. I truly believe that if you mess up, righting the wrong is not the correction of the mistake, it's the fact that you know you made a mistake and you now have the opportunity to react to that situation in a different way in the future.

Wow, I'm getting a deep and stuff here. Watch, I'll read this tomorrow and I'll be all, "what the heck was I thinking"? And then I will vow to never blog during insomnia. Hahah.

All aboard the sleepy train,
to visit Mother Goose.
Angrygirl's stop is Snoozyland,
to rest her sweet caboose.

February 3, 2009

Annoyed and Bored

Well, here I sit... still! Bored outta my mind. And of course due to this, every little thing bugs me. Not only that, but every little thing that happens becomes a super issue. And of courses makes me angry!

For example, I visit my grandmother (who has dementia) every weekend, at the same time, every week. And during all the pain of my knee not working, I still went. And it was extremely difficult. Even though she is in a wheel chair, she is very active and mobile. So I had to do a lot of running after her. Which with a piece of cartilidge suck in my knee was difficult and painful. And I agree, I had surgery to remove it and when I am better I can resume going. However with all the complications with my knee I am immobile. I can barely walk, let alone get myself over to her hospital and I would not be able to chase her around. So, why so angry? Well, here we go!

People are mad at me for NOT going! Even though I had surgery and physically I can't go... people are still mad. And then to top it off, my Aunt calls my Father and complains to him that no one is going to see her. Namely me. My father does not put pressure on my sibling to go, or my mother, or go himself, but tells me that I have to go. He doesn't say "I'll drive you over and pick you up, or we can go together" just that I have to go! My older cousin regularly goes, however my younger cousin, only sets foot in the hospital never! She claims that she can't go cause she doesn't have a car and doesn't live close. Well, last time I checked if you can go back to your mama's house to do laundry, you can go visit your grandmother.

So, last weekend, I'm sitting at home and I went to the bathroom. The phone rings, but I'm not available to pick it up. They left a voicemail though. It was my Aunt. Asking me how my grandmother was and asking me to call her after I got home from visiting her. My father told her that I would be going that weekend. And because I didn't go, she freaked out because my grandmother was alone. My Aunt believes that if my grandmother doesn't see a family member everyday, that she will think that we forgot her and inturn my grandmother will forget us. Well, let's just say, when I visit my grandmother, she has ABSOLUTELY no idea who I am. However my cousin couldn't go because she has SO much laundry to do, that she just couldn't leave the house!

Well, I just have to say, someone else can go. I was there constantly in the summer right after she broke her hip. I was constantly there, and I have been consistently there, unlike my cousin and my sibling! So, until I can walk unassisted, someone else go!

I meant what I said and I said what I meant.

Dr Seuss

January 30, 2009

Super Weird Dream

A few nights ago, I had the super weirdest dream EVER! I mean... this one takes the cake, runs with it... and keeps running, until it's out of this world!

So, my friend Booty comes over to my house, with no other than "friend." We are hanging out, and Booty turns to me and says: "Wanna party?" Naturally, I do. So we get in my car, which is a jeep. And we drive out to the country. There are all these trees and dirty lined roads. So, we park the car and start walking (did I say that we were all dressed up in party outfits and super high heels?). Then there are all these animals at the side of the dirt road and we start taking pictures. So there are giraffes, zebra, and I think it was a playtapus, but it was HUGE! Like the size of an elephant.

So, then I see two horses together and I run over to take pictures of them. And then I see Posh Spice, with some woman. I try to take pictures but my camera isn't working. They are all dressed up too, and wearing these like super fancy hats that aren't really hats, but decorate their heads. So, the camera won't work, so I don't get any pictures of her, even though they posed for them. And then Posh Spice and her friend walk off to this church that's down this dirt road that is lined with all these animals.

So, we all hop back into my jeep and head to a club. And Booty boyfriend is there with all his friends, and Link`s sister, Curls, Blondie and a bunch of other people and I start showing the pictures on my camera. So, everything starts fast-forwarding. The partying and people that is, and it then slows down and returns to regular speed the next day.

Now, as if that was not strange enough. I then wake up in the back of my jeep the next day (still in my party dress) in a parking lot of Costco. And of course the jeep is all open (like no roof, or doors or windows) and I see this girl that I went to school with and she looks exactly the same, and I pretend I don't see her and try to act like I am asleep. And she says "Hi angrygirl! Looking good!!!" The parking lot is also deserted, there is like only my jeep and her car, and the girl leaves. So then I get out of the jeep and look down at myself and I'm still in the same outfit as the night before. Booty is passed out asleep in the front seat of the jeep wearing sunglasses and her party dress. And I could taste that I had morning breath in the dream. And so I go into Costco to buy mouthwash, leaving Booty alone and asleep in the jeep that is fully open!

And that is my dream! So, the morale of the story is... oral hygiene is very important. I'm really dedicated to fighting bad breath! Sorry Booty, next time I'll lock the jeep up! And zip up the hood and stuff.

Sweet dreams,


Ps. Next post maybe I will write about my other dream about the red velvet cake. Mmm, cake.

January 15, 2009

Fight the Real Enemy II

Yes, it's another facebook rant! Yes, I need a hobby. But heck. I had surgery, and my ass is pretty much glued to the couch, so the only way I can 'travel' is via the internet.

Well, Curls came over to visit me today. And brought some Thai food! Yummie! And we were just hanging out, and surfing the internet. DO people still say that, 'surfing the net'??? And we went on to facebook. My boyfriend is one of her contacts so I looked at his 'page.' Is it called a page? I have no idea. Or maybe it is his wall. Anyways, I see all these girls on it and blah, blah, blah. And well, they are just saying Happy Birthday to him, but still, who are these girls? Well, Curls wouldn't let me look at his page with her there, but left it open so I could look at it after she left. She did tell me not to get jealous and in my defence, I didn't. Okay, while she was with me I did, but afterwards, I wasn't. Seriously. And here is why.

I started looking through my 'friend's' wall. And then the contacts. Well I figured out that 'friend' was my boyfriend's contact before she started hanging around the 'tranny' and that there probably would have been an indication that they are friends. So, he probably knows. As I already suspected. But then I got snoppy and looked at her friends listing and noticed that the 'tranny' is not present. I find that interesting. But I also think, good job, ruin our friendship for someone you aren't friends with anymore. And then I say, oh well. C'est la vie! And I can't and won't do anything about it.

Well, I should add that I couldn't remember the tranny's name, but that it was in an e-mail that 'friend' sent me, when she tried to 'repair' our friendship. I'm not going back there but then I found the name, but not before I read this one sentence. It said that she didn't call me back when all that stuff initially went down, but called Booty and Blondie because they kept on calling her over and over. And I didn't. I called her three times if I recall and got pissed on the third day and stopped calling. I called Blondie to double check this, but I remember her saying she called her once and that was it.

And long story short, I shouldn't be rehashing this. There is no point and nothing will come of it. So, why and I'm writing about it. Because I want to say my piece and then forget it.

Get it? Got it? Good!!!